House of Wolves RP CHAT THREAD

Name: Blizzard
Age: 10 years
Rank: Wound healer
Gender: Male
Personality: Gruff, a grumpy old guy, constantly scolding teen and adult dogs alike for their myriad ways of acquiring minor injuries. Snappy and not very good at comforting others, often blunt. These traits have often resulted in him issuing dire prophecies in front of a badly injured dog’s friends and family, which probably isn’t the best way to assuage their anxieties. However, he’s always rather gentle when attending to wounds, and will even let a more playful side show around young pups. A good listener and giver of quiet advice if approached at the right time by the right dogs.
Breed/species: Labrador pitbull mix
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Pelt description: pic
Eye color: brown
Build: Sturdy and board, could be a great fighter, but the most fighting he’s willing to do are gentle scuffles with pups.
History: He just approached the pack one day two years ago. No one knows how his life has went, though it’s believed from his vague stories and advice that he’s fought before, and is clearly tired of battle. Some think he was once a pet dog at some point, but no one truly knows.
Pack: Lupus
Mate/Crush: None
Offspring: None
Parents: Dead
Siblings: Dead
Song associated:
Username: RoostersAreAwesome
I appreciate this.
Yeah, I know it’s two different moms but... Ice follows genetics. As all things should.
You have no idea how much this weird obsession of mine relieves stress when it works out.
Name: Halfrid
Age: 6 years (72 moons)
Rank: Alpha
Gender: Female
Personality: Order incarnate. She's devoted to her pack full-heartedly, always making the choices that she thinks will best prosper them and ready to take the hard hit for any of them. She's more so on the serious side, but sometimes you'll catch a friendly joke resembling the ones she told as a Novitiate. Speaking of Novitiates, you'll often find her speaking to them or pups-- Always making sure to especially take an interest in them, making sure they're getting taught correctly, are happy, empathetic, and receiving the best advise to become great and valuable members of the pack. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact she can't have her own, so she's taken to acting as if they were all her blood. Also, if she catches anyone mistreating one of them, pray for their souls 'cause they're about to be up there with the dead, or at least feel like it.
She's very easy to get along with, just be respectful and she'd talk hours with you if she could.
She loves partaking in her pack's activities, keeping tabs on each dog.
But don't mistake her kindness for softness, she can turn cold and ready to deal out punishment to anyone who breaks the laws. She's not afraid to banish dogs or demote them, if it's called for and justified.
As for religion? She's all in. The wolves feel like powerful peers she has to please, and she feels her pack is doing pretty well in their eyes. And she's amazingly loyal to the coyotes, taking everything the Paragon says as law. She'll often ask him for advice, if it's in a time he's open and allowing her to ask.
She's pretty disapproving of Lupus Pack but desperately wants to keep the peace and reveres pack law, so she makes sure to enforce the rules of dealing with them with respect and neutral kindness.
Overall, she just wants the best for her pack, and thinks order, justice, kindness, and loyalty will bring that.
Breed/species: Irish Wolfhound.
Pelt description: Shaggy, wiry bright red fur that is semi-thick and wavy. Often times, the sun will catch it's glare and she very nearly looks like she's just a walking spirit of fire.
Eye color: Deep chocolate brown with flecks of lighter brown.
Build: Very muscular; you can tell she's probably an amazing fighter. She's thick, but not overweight-- Just protected by her strength in the muscle department. Due to this, however, she is not very fast nor the most agile at top speeds.
Stands at a impressive height of 30". Long legs that are built for running and a tail that's long and scrawny comparatively. Her paws are huge, and armed with dangerously long claws.
History: Halfrid was born into Canis pack and lived the average life of a youngster for awhile. She had one sister, Astred, of whom she was inseparable from; the pack would often find the two playing or causing mischief together, and they became known pranksters, with Halfrid always taking the lead and egging her smaller sister on-- Not that most of the pack cared too much, they easily tried to slip into dog's good wills and became efficient at succeeding. When it came time for them to become Novitiates, they did pretty well at both hunting and patrolling, so they were given a choice, however were steered towards becoming Guardians due to their physique, but Halfrid made the call to become Hunters, and automatically Astred followed.
It went like a breeze, and they graduated per usual with nothing amiss, and the became official hunters and adults.
It's funny and cruel how things can go so right and then so wrong, isn't it?
On their first day of being official hunters, most of them were gathered up. Their current lead hunter had scented a sick moose and decided to take a shot at it. Needless to say, it didn't go well-- At all. The moose wasn't so sick and lack of proficient orders and strategy caused the dogs to get confused and begin attacking as different hunters instead of a reformed team.
One bad choice, one kick, and Astred went sprawling. Her spine was broken, and she died within seconds.
Watching poor leadership kill her sister and best friend rolled into one completely changed Halfrid. She became orderly, strategized, and wiser. Instead of seeking her out for her good-tempered jokes, her pack now sought her out for advice. With these qualities, she soon found herself climbing the ranks up until she became Secretary. And when her past alpha died, she took his place, and slipped into the role with ease.
Finally, she had the rank she needed to instill order and true justice.
Pack: Canis
Mate/Crush: None, she's promised to never take one. And a crush would just distract her from her responsibilities of leading.
Offspring: None. Being the Canis alpha, she's banned from having any-- And she's a stickler for the rules, so she won't be secretly breaking that one anytime soon.
Parents: Both unimportant and now deceased. They died at some point before she became alpha.
Siblings: Astred (Sister, deceased)
Song associated: Marshmello ft. Bastille - Happier
Other: Her name means "Peaceful heroine."
Username: @RiverStorm
I love it! I love it! She’s an awesome character and absolutely perfect as Canis alpha!
I love it! I love it! She’s an awesome character and absolutely perfect as Canis alpha!
*happy child noises*
yey, thank thou! :D
I honestly absolutely love her as a character, I may have accidentally just created a new OC XD
I can't wait for this all to start and see how everyone reacts towards each other. Everyone's chirrens are so cool and personalized.
I'm so worried for soft souls like Cider and Aesir XD
i would like a chicken rp! when all yall going to get over all the wolf rps! or a dragon rp would be nice.....

yeah i just saw that one... never heard of dbegain chickens tho... i dont have any....
but x2 with RAA, there already is a chicken RP out,, idk anything about it but yeah. I'm not sure if there will be any new chicken RP's anytime soon, you'll have to keep your eye out. Maybe a lurker is reading this right now and plotting one after seeing theres a demand XD
I found the perfect song associated for Clover. XD
omw yes
Yeah, I know it’s two different moms but... Ice follows genetics. As all things should.
You have no idea how much this weird obsession of mine relieves stress when it works out.
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you and your genetics. classic amer
Lemme just say, y'all's dogs are all amazing and each time I read a new one I just start smiling 'cause they're just
so awesome :3
BIG x2 i love all yalls dogs so much
Does anybody want to make Heather’s mate? If not, that’s fine, I’ll make him.
i think i'd maybe be up for it 👀
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but x2 with RAA, there already is a chicken RP out,, idk anything about it but yeah. I'm not sure if there will be any new chicken RP's anytime soon, you'll have to keep your eye out. Maybe a lurker is reading this right now and plotting one after seeing theres a demand XD

omw yes

you and your genetics. classic amer

BIG x2 i love all yalls dogs so much

i think i'd maybe be up for it 👀

Also, I never looked closely at the rp banner until now... and the words are made out of little dogs!
And the Alphas are puppets on the Paragon’s strings! That is seriously cool!
I applaud you Heavens!
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