Houston Area Backyard Chickens

Did you just join the group? I think I saw your request. Thank you for joining! Its a great group.
You must be near the neighborhood that has free ranging peacocks. I don't know the name of it off hand but it's very near the airport. Welcome aboard!
Yes, that is us. I even had a few on my roof when my baby roosters started crowing. They had to check them out. Apparently they were unimpressed & left.
Yes, they fly and yes, they have the most horrendous smelling poo.
Yes, that is us. I even had a few on my roof when my baby roosters started crowing. They had to check them out. Apparently they were unimpressed & left.
Yes, they fly and yes, they have the most horrendous smelling poo.
The last time we drove thru to check them out we saw a momma with a trail of little ones following her.
It was too cute.
Hi Deb, I was just telling a friend about garden villas and the peacocks on Vista Drive! I'm not far from you but definitely inner loop and I am hoping not to get too much resistance from neighbors. Everyone is so nosy and judgmental here. Well, I just joined BYC hopefully I can make some chicken loving friends.

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