Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

I'm in. i'll be setting Coturnix eggs next week. I may be hatching some eggs from my chickens as well depending on what I get.

I have 6 Seabright cross(The Legacy of Peeper's) eggs due to hatch today or tomorrow depending on them. Peepers was my very first hen and these are the 4th generation of Peepers babies.

I had 9 button and 8 coturnix quail hatch Yesterday.
I went to get some chicken feed before the next wave of snow hits and when I got home I had 3 out
. So far 2 showgirls and one silkie.
Count me in!! Using a Hovabator 1588, I know for definite there will be 12 Buff Orpington's, hopefully at least 12 Barred Rocks, and any that I return with from the Morganton NC show this coming weekend! All will be set the evening of the Show, setting up the incubator this coming Friday to have it ready. Will confirm egg type/numbers on Saturday!

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