Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

Ok, somehow my "8 bantam Ameraucana and 12 Serama eggs" that I was going to put into the "extra" bator last night turned into 12 bantam Ameraucana, 13 Serama, 11 LF Faverolles, and 10 LF Ameraucana eggs....that's right...46 eggs in a 42-egg turner.....again....
My Spring chick hatch is complete! Set 56, locked down 50, hatched 46.

All 5 IA Blues hatched:


6 of 12 shipped Lavender Ameraucana eggs from CrystalCreek hatched - 4 lav/2 black lav carriers


And of course lots of EEs.

6 Cochin/EEs 3 look like this and 3 are a bit more blue. All splash? Could get white too I think.


I hatched 14 Welsummer/EE crosses and the rest Ameraucana/EEs.


Mrs. Mucket :

Oh I'm so jealous of you guys! Congrats
I have to wait another ten days. I do remember being warned that hatching can be consuming and addicting!

Mrs. Mucket...
I candled again today. I could tell/see development in most of my eggs this time...however, I have 3 that I think quit developing early on...they aren't as big or dark as the others and although I don't see a blood ring...the dark area floats when I turn the egg. I should have pulled those eggs I guess....but figured maybe to candle again on day16 maybe? Then I will toss them if they look the same...just would hate to "end" a live embryo. Hopefully they won't explode....none are oozing.
How many times do you plan to candle? Are you done candling?

General question to all....is it ok to candle around day 15 or 16? What are the odds for eggs to "explode" if they died early on??​
Mrs. Mucket...
I candled again today. I could tell/see development in most of my eggs this time...however, I have 3 that I think quit developing early on...they aren't as big or dark as the others and although I don't see a blood ring...the dark area floats when I turn the egg. I should have pulled those eggs I guess....but figured maybe to candle again on day16 maybe? Then I will toss them if they look the same...just would hate to "end" a live embryo. Hopefully they won't explode....none are oozing.
How many times do you plan to candle? Are you done candling?

General question to all....is it ok to candle around day 15 or 16? What are the odds for eggs to "explode" if they died early on??

As a newbie myself I can't answer your questions...but yay! You found some embryos!

Just to be safe I pulled out any that didn't have visible eyes or veins like the others. I have 13 left. I don't know if I'll candle again...I'll watch this and see what the experienced people say!
On Feb 28 I set 50 eggs in a 42 egg turner
I wasn't sure how well the stacked ones would hatch. There was 6 frizzled bantam Cochins, 11 Ameraucanas and 33 EEs.

I pulled 2 clears ~ a bantam frizzled cochin & an EE at day 10 and sent 48 into lockdown on day 18. I put the EEs into my LG forced air bator for lockdown so I don't get the Ameraucanas & EEs mixed up. The EEs are Cuckoo Marans/Ameraucana x Ameraucana and look the same as the Ameruacanas.

My first pip was 2 days early, one of the bantams which hatched over night Saturday night. Eggs continued to hatch all day Sunday and Monday. As of Monday evening there is one lone EE egg I am waiting on. 47 out of 48 have hatched so far!!

These are some of the Ameraucanas and 4 bantam Cochins ~ the rest are still drying in the bator.

These are most of the EE's ~ the rest are still drying.

I am very happy with this hatch!
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That's great! The stacked eggs weren't a problem, were they? They aren't with most people.

No problem ~ the stacked eggs all hatched (I marked them with an X) the one I am still waiting on was in the turned.

All of these eggs were from my own chickens which helps for the high hatch rate. I also sold 24 Ameraucana eggs to another BYC member who drove 2 hours each way to pick them up instead of having them shipped and she had 23 out of 24 hatch!​
No problem ~ the stacked eggs all hatched (I marked them with an X) the one I am still waiting on was in the turned.

All of these eggs were from my own chickens which helps for the high hatch rate. I also sold 24 Ameraucana eggs to another BYC member who drove 2 hours each way to pick them up instead of having them shipped and she had 23 out of 24 hatch!

Great rates!
Lovely hatch! I set mine up in a 55 gallon fish tank and the cats and I could sit there for hours
Gotta move them to the big brooder pretty soon,they are getting pretty wild.

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