hovabator humidity problems


16 Years
Oct 4, 2008
SW New Hampshire
I have a hova 1588 with auto turner. I got a hygrometer to check it, and find that by following the directions, with the correct reservoir filled, the hygrometer reads around 45%. Anyone else have this problem? I thought it was supposed to be "idiot-proof." I've had my first (test) eggs in it for a week now. Do you think they'll be okay?
And how often do you find the reservoir needs to be refilled?
Well I ran mine with the plug in for 3 days after I put eggs in it THEN got my hygrometer and it was at almost 80%.
That was following the directions, too. Big C channel filled only.
Your humidity sounds great for days 1 to 18.
Is that with the plug in?
I let mine almost run dry before I fill it again, when it starts reading below 40% I know it' running dry.
My last hatch I ran mine at 40-50% for days 1-17 and 60-70% from day 18 to until the hatch was done.
I had zero problems with the hatch 11 out of 12 hatched, no chicks stuck to membranes or anything like that.
And they hatched on day 21.
What else could anyone hope for?
Oh, maybe that they were Black Copper Marans and not my barn yard mutts!


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