How about a Thread for Embdens?

They are so adorable. did you ask for 2 girls and a boy? I miss mine being that tiny they will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. 

Thank you! And yeah we ordered them sexed from Metzer!! I know that geese pair for life but I was told that having a trio would work just the same. Now As I'm reading more I'm nervous that one girl will feel left out. Has anyone else had experience with having two girls one boy?
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Thank you! And yeah we ordered them sexed from Metzer!! I know that geese pair for life but I was told that having a trio would work just the same. Now As I'm reading more I'm nervous that one girl will feel left out. Has anyone else had experience with having two girls one boy?
Not me but I understand trios work so hopefully yours will, I'm sure they are already bonding very well. I'm still waiting to see if our 2 gosling are girls or boys. Hopefully either 2 girls or boy girl since I have a mated pair of adults.
Thank you! And yeah we ordered them sexed from Metzer!! I know that geese pair for life but I was told that having a trio would work just the same. Now As I'm reading more I'm nervous that one girl will feel left out. Has anyone else had experience with having two girls one boy?
Yep, one goose is favourite and the other is the second-best. I feel sorry for them, and try to get them to form pairs if I can. However, a number of folks do keep trios or more and do ok.
Miss Lydia have you had serv look at your goslings to see if he can sex them or are they still too young?
Everyone seems to think I have gander=Toulouse and goose =Buff I think so too but I will take more pics this week and see if there is change in opinion
they are 5 weeks old now. where does the time go?
Anyone have a suggestion on how to introduce a 4 week on embden to my flock that was taken from her parents? She is quite skiddish
Slowly is the key, and with supervision, when i introduced my 2 goslings to their adoptive parents I would take them out and just sit with them, it took about a week before they bonded. they were 3 weeks old when i finally let them sleep in their house. If your worried the adults may hurt the gosling then introduce through fencing for a couple days till they get use to it. Please let us know how it goes, Most adult geese love goslings so it shouldn't take to long.
Thank you for your reply
Slowly is the key, and with supervision, when i introduced my 2 goslings to their adoptive parents I would take them out and just sit with them, it took about a week before they bonded. they were 3 weeks old when i finally let them sleep in their house. If your worried the adults may hurt the gosling then introduce through fencing for a couple days till they get use to it. Please let us know how it goes, Most adult geese love goslings so it shouldn't take to long.

Thank you for your reply. I didn't put much information in here because the last forum I posted an extensive question about the gosling and didn't get a reply.

A little background. She was taken from her parents and is about 4 weeks old. It seems to me that she has never seen a human in her life. Last night I had her in the house and wrapped in a towel and she did sleep a little and she ate some feed out of my hand. Today, I tried to place her in the coop with my 2 mallards, 1 indian runner, and 3 welsh harlequins- that didn't go over well. She sat in the corner all day after the pecking order was established, didn't eat, didn't drink, didn't even move. I went and go her out and when i picked her up she threw up water! So this evening I moved her to an above ground coop with three 8 week old cochins and she seemed much more comfortable, although she was like a giant compared to the cochins. I stood about 10 feet away for 20 minutes to make sure she didn't trample them, I also gave them some fresh clippings. but if I got closer, she would freak out, just like she has since I got her yesterday.

I'm really starting to get concerned. Any suggestions are very needed.

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