How about a Thread for Embdens?

Yep they r eggs from some of the other geese eggs
How long have they been in the bator? You can candle at 7 days incubation..
So today I found My embden's secret stash lol She had laid a few eggs in the coop then I hadn't found anymore so I figured since it was winter she stopped and it was a fluke. I had seen her making a nest but whenever I went by there when she was done I couldn't see anything, apparently she buries them very well. So I had seen her sitting again and whenever she saw me she was hissing up a storm (which is unlike her) When I sent my husband to look She got up and had 6 eggs! Boy was she mad! She started screaming and of course her mate tried to come to her rescue, I have never seen those two so mad, I felt kinda bad but I didn't want her to sit yet while its so cold. You think she'll lay there again or am I going to have to re find her next nest?
So today I found My embden's secret stash lol She had laid a few eggs in the coop then I hadn't found anymore so I figured since it was winter she stopped and it was a fluke. I had seen her making a nest but whenever I went by there when she was done I couldn't see anything, apparently she buries them very well. So I had seen her sitting again and whenever she saw me she was hissing up a storm (which is unlike her) When I sent my husband to look She got up and had 6 eggs! Boy was she mad! She started screaming and of course her mate tried to come to her rescue, I have never seen those two so mad, I felt kinda bad but I didn't want her to sit yet while its so cold. You think she'll lay there again or am I going to have to re find her next nest?

More than likely she try somewhere else but you were right to take the eggs till warmer it will give the gosling a much better chance it they are hatched in warmer temps. Just keep an eye on her. lol

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