How about this weather!


11 Years
Mar 23, 2009
NorthCentral Pennsylvania
So we've had a warm spring and tonight it's supposed to be 22. I have 5 weekers in an outside brooder "cabin" with a heat light... they should be fine... unless the electricity goes out. I cut down the ventilation a bit and they should be fine but... anyone else worrying tonight?
Im a little nervous. I dont have them outside but i do have 12 4week old chicks in the garage with 2 heat lamps but tonights weathern in NH is COLD it is supposed to be 19 tonight BUUUUUURRRR and it is super windy ive been nervous the power would go out all day. So far they seem fine all hanging out under the lights barely peeping so im sure they are gonna be okay. I just cant believe the weather, we went from 80's last week to 40-50's this week. But that is New England for ya. It can never make up its mind.
My guys were fine this morning. We didn't loose electricity. They too were in the garage last week but they outgrew their brooder... they flew over the top... more than 3 feet... they also flew back in... but messy! Hope yours were fine too. Nice to know I'm not the only worry wart out there!
This weather is so crazy in PA. We had the warmest winter ever and only one snow storm and that was in October when all the trees had leaves on still. Now that we are approaching April it is freezing. According to the weather it is going to be cold for the next few weeks. My chicks have only got to go out 2 times. Last week it was almost 80. Last night we had to cover all of our plants because everything budded so early and it froze, we haven't had a "freeze" all winter. I don't know when I will be able to let the chicks out again.
Yup insane weather here in Ohio too. Last week we were in the mid 80s. Last night it was in the 20s and everything froze lol.

My chicks (just over a week old) were fine. They are in a brooder in my home and I lowered their heat lamp. They were perfectly fine. But I was worried about the temp drop.

Tomarrow we should be back in the 60s and then the temps are going to rise again.
It's been crazy weather all over the country this winter. Let's hope summer is normal. Last summer was so wet we set a record and my chickens grew webbed feet
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