How about you just leaving your chickens alone?

There are going to be those that treat them like livestock and those that treat them as dear pets, while there is a bunch of people that treat them everywhere in between... This can lead to entirely different husbandry practices and mindsets on care...

It's the same with peoples dogs, there is no shortage of people who take their dog to the groomer weekly, and treat it like royalty with it's own pampered places in the house, while there are other peoples dogs that live in the barn, sleep on a bed of straw and get hosed off when they are visibly dirty...

Same with medical diagnosis, some will let things run their course, others will jump in the car and rush to the vet for everything...
I mostly agree. Last year was my first year with my own chicks. I did tend to monitor them a little closer than I do now (don't get me wrong I still observe). This year has ran a LOT smoother with my chicks because of it. I do have some things on hand for emergency use, but I'm not spending left and right for this, that, and every other little thing. I struggled with a little more worry with my ducklings (first year with them), but I'm learning to "detach" in a way while still forming a "bond" for trust. Does that make any sense?

The main thing I don't want happening is my entire flock getting sick (or predator problems). I do sell my eggs to help offset cost of feed, bedding, and other things I might need for them.
Oh, BUT, we don't have a vet around here that specializes in chickens or ducks, the nearest one is quite a haul so I've come to accept that if something does happen it happens and I will have to cull.
Oh Joe, I'm so sorry.

Sorry too about your dog, that's a rough one, life's too short for everyone, I agree with you Joe, let them chickens be chickens and enjoy their lives too for however long it is, than let them go, honor the animal for what it is, not for what you want it to be.
Really Joe, you ran over your dog?
<cringes with dread>

I'm never quite sure whether to take Joe at his word......most his posts are riven with dry, facetious sarcasm.....which I find hilarious, even funnier when folks take it all too seriously.

My deepest condolences about the dog if it's true.

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