How annoying are peafowl sounds?

Had a few Peafowl around when I was a child. They are more annoying noise wise than a rooster. Also if they are free range and there are neighbors remotely close it could cause some issues. They will fly well and can get on top of houses, cars etc. the years that we had peafowl I was literally afraid to go out in the yard for the males, one especially was aggressive and would flog anyone. They are beautiful animals but I would not recommend them in some situations.
Do you have to have a permit to own peacocks? and if I bought from cackle hatchery would I be able to breed them and sell them on eBay or something like that like the eggs?
If you are going to cross state lines hipping you will have to have the state test your birds NPIP yearly and AI every six months. Peafowl breeding and selling is not as easy as other birds.

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