How are breeds ordered from Ideal marked?


9 Years
Feb 12, 2010
Kurtistown, Hawaii
It says in the order policy that they will be marked if I indicate such. So how are they marked? Also, are enough males for warmth included to make the number of chicks in the box 25, or is it a random number? Are they marked so you can distinguish them from the ones you paid for?
I ordered 12 chicks from them in the fall and they sent 20. 8 males for heat as far as marking all chicks I ordered were dark and heat chicks, Dellawares, are light . I don't know how they do it if you have a mix of light and dark
I mean, how do they mark the ones you ordered, aside from the packing peanuts. Suppose I want to order several white bantam cochins and one white frizzled bantam cochin. Suppose that the frizzle chick is one of the 25% that does not display the frizzle gene but instead is a carrier. Both the frizzled and the flat-feathered chicks would be almost identical, but I would need to know which was which.
I think they put a dab of ink/dye and provide a list of which colour is which breed/sex.
I've never ordered marked chicks but that is how I've seen them in pictures of other peoples chicks.
They mark them on their forehead with a chick safe marker. The color on the forehead corresponds with the labels for each breed/sex on the shipping box. They only mark them if you request it.
I got my order from Ideal and had not asked for any markings. One of the RIR's had a clear marker dot on the top of the head. So, we did all we could for her but the best we could do was... to call her Dot!!
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Here are mine as marked. Some on the head, some on the chest.


They were not that hard to tell apart, so I didn't need to have it done. Kinda messed up their baby pictures.
If ever you get Black Jersey Giants and Australorps in the same order have them marked!

Otherwise you get to do compare and contrast of the bottoms of chick feet.


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