How are Orpington Roosters temperament wise?


Previously AstroDuck
Aug 28, 2020
Those with Orpington Roosters how are they temperament wise? I was originally considering a Brahma rooster to replace my Faverolle rooster, but now I'm leaning towards Orpington.
I got three straight run buff Orpington chicks two years ago at TSC. All were cockerels. Two were unholy terrors to me and the pullets. I culled them at 4 months.

The third was good with the girls, but never got along with me. He was becoming more aggressive, and I'm sorry-not-sorry that he died a few months ago.

I do miss hearing him crow, and I miss seeing him with the hens. But I don't miss him.
we had a lavender orpington rooster who was very even-tempered and polite to both the hens and to us. we had to rehome him unfortunately, but only because he was too big for the girls and was rubbing/breaking their feathers off.

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