How Are You Covering Your Chicken Run for Avian Influenza?

I think I may have decided on a way to easily cover the run, kind of a very temporary hoop coop build. Using T-posts on either end of the hog panels set at 8ft apart, basically using the posts as a replacement for a wooden frame. I would do a wood frame, but for a 20ft long hoop coop it gets more complicated. I have a couple rolls of 1x2" welded wire to frame in the front and back, and hopefully some left over from a skirt, if not I can buy some more. Then cover in tarps or this black plastic if I want it to be a solid. That would mostly be for looks. :p
Here is my very poor drawing, but I think I'm going to go for it. Very temporary setup.
Screen Shot 2022-04-03 at 2.09.33 PM.png

Green stands for T-posts, Blue stands for hog panels.
Yeah, it sure is. We are right smack in the Pacific Flyway. We get all kinds of birds. Two properties in my area have large ponds, so there are always geese and ducks flying around. I figure it's just a matter of time.
Same, its nerve wracking. It finally became really real for me the other day when I watched a video documenting the process. A backyard breeder I assume, it was so horrible.
How does the usda kill backyard flocks?
There are various methods of euthanasia. Each case is different, likely depending on numbers of birds. A unique game plan is arranged in advance and not just birds but eggs, litter and all contaminated equipment have to be destroyed. After disinfection, one must wait 150 days before repopulation is allowed.

I know that for large commercial operations they use foam to suffocate all birds in a building. Caged layers are more complicated and very labor intensive.
They use garbage cans full of C2O. There was a video posted about it on the AI thread, its horrible. Toss them in the can and seal the lid. They didn't handle the birds nicely either. I can post the link if you like.
Ok, you can post the link.
I have a cat that likes to hang out on the wall adjacent to the run which is covered with bird netting. The neighbor's cat hangs out there too. They are usually looking for rats but I have never seen a wild bird risk going there. Its entirely possible one could dive bomb my run with poop but between the cats and dogs they seem to avoid all but one spot in my backyard and since I don't have chickens or food over there anymore I haven't seen one yet this spring. I might do a shade cloth when the weather warms up

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