How are your chickens doing in the 100 degree heat?

The mister would be fine but i wouldnt leave it going 24/7 though. Another thing i do is put electrolytes in their water as well as a tbls of ACV with mother.

Yesterday I was in such a panic. It was 104 degrees and this is my first time w/ chickens. I watered down their house but they do not seem to like water around them.

DH (very much on the D
) came to the rescue and rigged up a quick mister system in the house. Temp in there dropped from 100 to 86! But they don’t like getting wet so they ran out into the hot run!

K8tieCat, do yours run from the mister in the run?

Mulemom, I don’t think leaving water on will hurt them so long as they have a place to got to not get wet. In this heat they dry off in seconds! We are in such a terrible drought in CA we can't leave water running. Poor Chicks!
I threw away the package, and now I can't remember how much to put in. I think I was putting 1/4 teaspoon in the pint waterer. Do you know how much I would put into 3 1/2 gallons?
Well if i remember correctly (i threw my pkg away too). mine i had to premix into a gallon jug, then after it was mixed it was 1 oz for every gal of drinking water for em. Not sure if its the same as yours tho, but should give you some idea of the mixture. Hope this helps.

We hit 109 yesterday I think. It was 104 at 7 PM on the 4th of July. It stinks so bad. And its humid too so its even worse! My birds hate it, then were all panting when I got out there yesterday, I froze jugs of water and put them in the waterers, the waterfowl seems to like that alot!
I have all 7 of mine, 3 heavies and 4 banties in the spare bathroom for the summer because I can't bear to leave them out in the 115+ degree heat. I only let the 3 biggies out early in the morning for 2-3 hours and late in the evening for about an hour. The banties are still in the nursery. It's just too hot here and I cannot wait until the fall!!!!!
We had a few days of 100+ last week. The girls were panting and holding out their wings, but they came through ok. They have a fan, and I let the hose run in part of their run in the afternoon to make them a little stream of mud to play in. But then the dog kept pulling it out of the run and laying on it!
He was hot too, poor fuzzy black thing. My girls like rain, but not too hard, but they don't like hose mist or sprinkles on 'em. They run from that, but will stand out in the rain like nothing's happening!
Earlier this week it cooled off some, but it's cranking back up now. The darn humidity is what makes it miserable, though. Sweat DOES NOT evaporate here, and we come in drenched. I hate when it runs down my back!
We were 109* at 7 pm on the 4th. Ugh.....

I've been keeping 10lb ice blocks in the coop (they hang out there during the heat of the day rather than outside in the run, under the shade tree). I also lightly spray the area down 2 or 3 times daily, and keep several 2 liter frozen bottles inside and out.

The girls are suffering in the heat, but they're dealing with it okay. They really enjoy standing on the ice blocks.

Edited to add:
I also try to keep canteloupe, watermelon, cucumbers, etc in the fridge specifically for the girls (usually over-the-hill leftovers) to help hydrate them during the heat of the day.
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It hit 105 here yesterday and the hens were displeased! It has been like this for about 3 days. Ugggh.

My hens seem to be coping OK- one thing they seem to really like is I let them out of their run into the yard. They have a couple of shady, dark spots that they all congregate in (especially under the shade of the snow pea trellis next to the apple tree), which seems to make them much more comfortable. I also wet down part of their run periodically and I watch as they eat the cool mud.

Their waterer hasn't been getting too hot but I do spray it with a hose every once in a while just to make sure it stays cool.

Be happy you're having such nice warm weather. We're having some really weird weather, which has caused flooding (not here, thankfully). It feels like October, to the point that London had a freak hail storm a few days ago.

I think we had our summer back in April

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