How Attached is Normal for a Feed Store Gosling?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Central Texas
Yesterday, we bought a female Embden/Embden gosling to raise with our ducklings this year. The ranch owner loves ducks, having raised some as pets when she was young, so we were hoping that Frankie would be friendly.

The good news is that we got our wish.

She is SO attached, even more so than our home-bred, imprinted duckling who she is keeping company. If I go more than two feet from the brooder she screams and panics, even when we let them out for a little playtime in the kitchen she has to be right under me or she begins to cry as though she's being abandoned.

Is this normal? I had worried she would be flighty, but she is absolutely the neediest thing I've ever met.
Our concern with that is that she might get aggressive if we ended up with a male. We have a lot of visitors especially in the summer and we would hate for the geese to attack someone because of being on a nest.
Sounds like a normal gosling demanding attention from his or her foster parents :D

They're super cute but singletons do need and demand lots of contact ;)

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