how bad of a problem can a cat be?

They'll snatch a chick in a second and have second thoughts about a grown bird. If they're hungry they can kill one.

If they're not hungry, they'll still kill any wildlife(and lots of them) they can - for fun.
2 dogs, 4 cats (2 grown from orphaned + 2 manx), 50 chickens, 13 peas.

Only my female manx is trouble with the birds, & only the chicks at that.
The others do get an occasional wild bird from the WB feeding station.

The cats do go to the coop quite often - preying on rodents!!!

Why is it that chickens and dogs are supposed to stay on their owners property and cats can roam at will and no one cares?
Are they excluded from leash laws for some divine purpose?
I just don't get it.
I wish I had an answer... other than doing my civic duty as a gun toting American.

Why is it that chickens and dogs are supposed to stay on their owners property and cats can roam at will and no one cares?
Are they excluded from leash laws for some divine purpose?
I just don't get it.
well my hens are full grown red sex links, so they arent that small, and my rooster is a bit larger than them and he is still growing(just hitting 6 months old) and this cat is a small one. They have noticed it when in the yard and keep an eye on it from the run area. I think they would all attack the cat if it was in the same area they were in, I have seen the way they go after a "new" flock addition so I know they have the potential lol
How odd. I'm a non-cat owner and none of the cats around here ever really bothered any of my chickens. I've seen one or two be interested at first but after getting called out by Super Girl (my broody) and having the whole flock come at them, they give up fairly quick.

Why is it that chickens and dogs are supposed to stay on their owners property and cats can roam at will and no one cares?
Are they excluded from leash laws for some divine purpose?
I just don't get it.

I wish I knew that too... and I love cats. I don't currently have any but I do like them. People just don't seem to get it that they are putting not only other animals at risk but their own as well by letting them roam. I don't get upset about it or anything since they don't bother my birds, but I have often wondered the same thing.

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