How big a GEEK are YOU?

I am a chicken geek
Ahhh... my Dad won't let me read past the first book.

Book one's still probably my fav.
Oh gods, I most likely out geek you all. How is that possible you ask? Tomorrow my 12 yo dd and I are going to a sci-fi con. My sister and cousin will be picking us up from the airport. That's right. Such geeks that we fly to other cities to get our geek on, just in case there isn't something geeky enough for us here. What will we be doing at this wonderful con you may ask? Meeting sci-fi authors. Smoe of whom my sis exchanges holiday greeting cards with. Taking classes on how to make more awesome costumes, debating the logistics of the actual use of a transporter and other nerdy stuff. I started reading Mercedes Lackey in the fourth grade and Ann McCaffrey in the fifth. I have four bookcases in my house devoted to sci-fi books. I have had dinner with Lackey and her husband. I regularly go to the Rocky Horror picture show. The first date with my future husband? Going to see the digitally remastered original star wars trilogy. What did we do while waiting in line for hours? Tried to stump each other with riddles. I own at least four copies of Labrinth, three of the Princess bride and of course Monty Python and the holy grail. My wonderful hubby has taught both of my kiddos to play D & D, they are 10 and 12 yo girls btw. Last weekend we had about thirty people over. We set up six tables in the house and played several different table top games. Heroscape, Settlers of Catan, Munchikan and the game of a thousand cards. Don't ask me to explain the last one. I'm pretty sure it was made up on the spot.

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