Hi. I'm new. I'm picking my babies up in 2 1/2 weeks. The coop is almost done. I haven't set up the brooder yet, but I will by this weekend. My question is, what is the best way to avoid illness in my babies? What are your "tricks" to keep your little ones healthy. I've read posts about medicated feed, diatomaceous earth, first aid kits, etc. My fear is that I won't recognize a problem to be able to correct it. I know that I will gain experience, I'm just really hoping these sweet chicks don't have to teach me hard lessons. In other words, if you experienced mommies and daddies could give me a heads up on the precautions you take, I will follow your instructions. I don't want to learn the hard way, if possible. That being said, I realize sometimes a chick is weak and can die. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything in my power to safeguard them. Sorry for the length of the post, but one other question: should I grow some tough grass in the run? I have dirt. Ok, I admit it...I'm a little scared.
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