how can I determine if my quail is male.. or female?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
jacksonville. fl
I bought two button quails yesterday. For sure I know one is a male... the other one... not so much... im assuming that its a male.. because it has a white bib under its neck. Its a silver button quail.. I have no idea how to determine its age either... :rolleyes: this is my first pair of quails.. please anybody if you can help. Thanks so much I dobt know hiw to post pics on the thread. Its in my album if you want to check it. Thank you again.
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They are both males. Sorry I can't tell the age.
The first one is a male because it has the red rusty feathers near the vent and he is a silver.
The second one is not a silver, maybe a wild type or a blue breasted but he is a male aswell because the bib and in these colours bibs can tell the genders.
*sigh* well im glad that its confirmed... im dissapointed that they told me it was a pair.. I guess the salesperson is more a chicken person than quails. Sad.. but thank you so much im waiting on ny courtnix eggs so I can hatch them and hopefully have me some good eggs. :)

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