?how can i do this?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 30, 2007
i live in west palm beach and oviesly the chikens are illegal but nm aboute that,,my local pet store needs ckicks i have 4 hens how can i bring a rooster in let him mate with the hens so i can incubate there fertile eggs,hach them and sell them to the pet store but does anyone know how to keep the rooster calm and not crowing 24/7??please help thx:D
not only am I unable to figure out how you could do that (best way: find somewhere else to keeo the hens and roo, where crowing wouldn't get them kicked out), I also have to say that it does not sound like a good idea. 1) you risk having your hens confiscated (or anyhow having to get rid of them), 2) pet store chicks are mostly likely to go to completely inappropriate 'homes' and die unpleasantly, which is awful mean to the poor chicks, and most of all 3) I cannot imagine that the pet store would pay you enough to make it even remotely worthwhile - like what, maybe fifty cents a chick?

I'd think you're best to enjoy your 'hidden' hens and leace it at that

Best of luck,

$2.50 a piece is probably a bit high, since they will want to make $ and will probably not sell them for much more than that.

Even if you get a roo and add him, there is no way to guarantee he will "get the job done". It will take him and the ladies a while to adjust. EVen then, my roo only has 1 hen he really likes to mate with. I have had him months with only a few fertile eggs. EVen my second roo, who has been with his ladies since they hatched, doesnt always perform.

You cant "plan" when it comes to animals, they are unpredictable. Even if you get some eggs, not all of them will hatch. Have you incubated eggs before?
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Are you *sure*? I can't think why they'd do that when they could buy 'em elsewhere for much less.

Remember too, most pet store chicks will be abused to death (however unintentionally). Is that really something to encourage??

Given the above, I should probably not even say this, but... you know, you could just learn to incubate eggs and find someone who has hens and roosters running around loose who might let you collect eggs for free or for cheap. Obviously this would entail visiting some other area, but would be much more sensible and feasible than trying to keep a rooster secret.

But really, think about those poor chicks. There are plenty of ways of making a buck that don't end up hurting or killing animals
You could make much more, much faster by mowing lawns or whatever else.

They might give you $2.50 apiece, but think about the feed, housing, incubator, grit, scratch, bedding and most valuable of all, your time.

How much are you really making?
Add to possible fines for illegal chickens and you are providing a service at major cost...to you.
Gosh you could probably BUY chicks from a hatchery cheaper than that.

If the pet store is close to you (local) and chickens are not legal - who is buying the chicks and why?

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