How can i get hens to accept new rooster?


May 1, 2022
Southern Missouri
we purchased 14 day old pullets and 1 day old cockerel in feb 2022. This rooster grew up with our girls and all was fine. This march some of the hens went broody and raised chix. the first 8 born there was 5 boys!! When momma hen was ready to go back to the big pen her little chix followed her in and they slept separate to the coop in their own little house with a little heat. But as they grew they went right in the main coop and all lived happy. When the little fellas started trying to crow ... there had not been problems and i didnt want any -- we moved them to the pen we had used for the brooding hens earlier. Then in july went to coop one morning and our beautiful roo was dead? Had been fine and when hubby got eggs the evening before it was getting late enough most were already in coop and he said our roo did his normal little chit chat he always does when he sees us and was in his reg spot with the girls huddled around. Dead in morning? Not a mark on him.. all we can guess is he got too hot from the girls all around him which also was blocking the fan and screened window from him getting air. So for 3 months didnt make any changes, let them settle down. Then we picked out our favorite of the ones we raised and put him in on the roost one night. The girls hated him.. ran from him, even some pecked at him.. left him to see if thi gs would settle? Got some better but after 2 weeks they still didnt want him near them. Put him back and waited a couple weeks and put another one in there.. they were not as mean to him but still ran from him if he got close. But since there was no meaness we left him. Now it has been 6 weeks. He does his part in watching over them! They dont run from him, but they still will move away from him. Yet they sleep all around him at night. If he makes a warning sound.. they all come to him. But want no part of mating. The 3 hens he can sneak up on occasionally and get on them.. he tries.. but they will not move their tails out of the way.. so he is never successful. Please help.
I need advice! Some of my girls are still sad acting over losing our boy.. is it hopeless that they will never accept another roo? Is there something special we need to do to get them to accept another roo?
thank you.

Then we picked out our favorite of the ones we raised and put him in on the roost one night. The girls hated him.. ran from him, even some pecked at him.. left him to see if thi gs would settle? Got some better but after 2 weeks they still didnt want him near them. Put him back and waited a couple weeks and put another one in there.. they were not as mean to him but still ran from him if he got close. But since there was no meaness we left him. Now it has been 6 weeks. He does his part in watching over them! They dont run from him, but they still will move away from him. Yet they sleep all around him at night. If he makes a warning sound.. they all come to him. But want no part of mating. The 3 hens he can sneak up on occasionally and get on them.. he tries.. but they will not move their tails out of the way.. so he is never successful. Please help.
Your favorite was not theirs, there's a lesson in there somewhere...

At least with the second one they are tolerating him. Since they seem to be fairly agreeable with #2 then I'd leave it all alone and see how things look in the spring when days are warming and longer and production gets into full swing. And...the Cockerel will be much more mature in the spring too, right now, he's only what..7-8months old? That's a teenager, so older hens for sure are not going to usually have much respect or submission for a "kid", once he turns into a "man" they may change their mind (or not:)).
It sounds as though the hens have accepted the newest guy. Time of year may have something to do with not wanting to mate with him. It is the hen, as a rule, that presents herself to the rooster for mating. She wants her eggs to be fertilized.

However, now that the days are fast approaching the shortest daylight of the year, hormones are slacking off, and both hens and roosters are less inclined to mate. I think you have nothing to worry about. When spring is approaching, the hens will begin to encourage their new rooster to be attentive. By February, I predict romance will be sparking in your run.
Your favorite was not theirs, there's a lesson in there somewhere...

At least with the second one they are tolerating him. Since they seem to be fairly agreeable with #2 then I'd leave it all alone and see how things look in the spring when days are warming and longer and production gets into full swing. And...the Cockerel will be much more mature in the spring too, right now, he's only what..7-8months old? That's a teenager, so older hens for sure are not going to usually have much respect or submission for a "kid", once he turns into a "man" they may change their mind (or not:)).
Thank you so much! We had the thought to leave it alone for awile longer but were unsure it was ok since the girls were not happy! With your suggestion i feel it will be fine to let it alone for some time!
It sounds as though the hens have accepted the newest guy. Time of year may have something to do with not wanting to mate with him. It is the hen, as a rule, that presents herself to the rooster for mating. She wants her eggs to be fertilized.

However, now that the days are fast approaching the shortest daylight of the year, hormones are slacking off, and both hens and roosters are less inclined to mate. I think you have nothing to worry about. When spring is approaching, the hens will begin to encourage their new rooster to be attentive. By February, I predict romance will be sparking in your run.
Thank you so much!! I feel so much better about the situation with 2 of the most informed persons on here agreeing to do the same thing!

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