How can I get my chickens to like me again??

The lady who originally rescued my hens from a city park and nursed the one with a dog bite back to health had them very tame because she treated them all the time. I don't do that because they are free range and I don't particularly want them pestering me all the time anyway. I use an automatic feeder too so they really don't need me however I noticed something interesting today. The feeder has been empty since yesterday afternoon so this morning when I went out to do the chores all three barred rock hens came running to me :) I thought that was pretty cool and threw out some scratch for their effort.
lol, they certainly know what side their bread's buttered on. Or, at least, understand sufficient to know who fills the feeder. They can be quite clever animals.
In my experience, limited as it is (less than 2 years as a chicken keeper) it always helps me to get down on their level if I want them to interact with me. I just go in the run and plop myself down on the ground. After a few minutes, especially if I have treats, I'm overrun with chickens wanting to sit on my lap, jump on my shoulder (or head, Lol), basically just climb all over me. They are very curious creature and if they feel safe they will explore. I never try to force them into it, they just do what they want to do.

I have all of the breeds you see in my signature, and it has been true for all of them, even the more flighty breeds like the SS Hamburgs. They are drawn to you if you "feel" safe to them. To me that means getting them comfortable with you on their level.

Of course, some breeds are more friendly than others, but I have yet to see a chicken run from me if I'm sitting on the ground with mealworms or sunflower seeds in my hand. :)
Some chooks are also very wary of legs, especially those with very bouffant crests impeding vision; sometimes they don't seem to connect these moving tree trunks with the face and hands of the human they trust, so can be quite untrusting when you're standing. Makes sense, from their perspective it's a lot to take in, and the taller the human the harder it would be for them.

I found many of my chooks really did need people to get down on their level, as chicksurreal says, before they could make a connection between hands, eyes, voice, intentions. It was a groundbreaking realization for many of them, absolutely key to taming them.

Best wishes.
Its been so busy here! Sorry for disappearing! Everyone has such wonderful advice, thank you so much. Im going to get something that I can bring out to sit on maybe an old towel or something so I can sit out there with them, and maybe try new types of treats (time to look at that BYC treat chart!) I hope that they start to like us, atleast enough that we can give them a good thorough look over to make sure they are all healthy :)
Thank you all!!!
That was a wonderful story oklip :).

Perhaps my chicks are just going through a phase - When they went into their coop to roost for the night yesterday I reached in to rub Princess and she squatted and allowed me to pet her she sat there the entire time I wanted to touch her, and when I was done she just casually walked away :). So perhaps when the others start squatting they will be friendlier too! But, one friendly baby is better then no friendly babies. :)
Hello I saw your post and had to write. I think your hens are about to start laying, the reason being, you said that today when you went to your coop you reached down to pick one up and it squatted down and froze, right ? Well, that is a sure sign that they are ready to lay, or accept a rooster. Mine all did this, check the waddles and top of their heads, I bet they are turning a brighter red instead of a pale pink. This is another way to know they will soon be laying. When they first start laying it kinda suprises. Them and sometimes it slips out before they make it to the nest boxes and you'll find one on the ground or broken, don't worry they get to be pro's really quick. Eggs start out small and get larger too, (guess that gives the hen a chance to get used to passing them ) LOL. Good luck with your hens and enjoy them.
I figured she would start laying soon :) I will have to go look at the combs again I didn't pay attention to them last time I was out there :). We don't have their nesting boxes in there yet.. we tried to put them in there a week ago and all they wanted to do is eat the pine shavings. But my boyfriend is going to be making some good nesting boxes soon anyways since we now have squatters! :)

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