How can I get them tamed?

Apr 7, 2019
So I’m not sure how old my babies are, but I bought them on Sunday, but they shipped to the store Saturday, and now it’s Wednesday (sorry so confusing lol) but anyways, my question is, when I put my hand anywhere in the cage they get scared and run away. Any tips on getting them used to you? I’m wanting my baby silkies to be attached to me. Advise please? Thanks!


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I've also heard to be more in their level ..a raised brooder if possible. So your are approaching from the side rather than a huge giant soaring on from the top. Also when I feed my babies I like to say the same thing each time... They soon soon learn the call and then as they get older all I need to do is give that call and they come running. It takes time but my chickens usually are very tame. Best wishes!!! And welcome!!! This is my favorite chicken help resource.
I've also heard to be more in their level ..a raised brooder if possible. So your are approaching from the side rather than a huge giant soaring on from the top. Also when I feed my babies I like to say the same thing each time... They soon soon learn the call and then as they get older all I need to do is give that call and they come running. It takes time but my chickens usually are very tame. Best wishes!!! And welcome!!! This is my favorite chicken help resource.
Awesome okay thank you for the advise! I want them to be attached to me like my dog lol I love them already and I’m happy to be a part of this community!
Yours are very young, I'm thinking a week at the most.

Above poster @equine chick has the best advice! Just handle them each day; I held mine for at least 10 min at a time so they had enough time to relax and settle. That being said around 5/6 weeks they suddenly behaved as if they'd never met me and peeped that distress peep for their flock mates. I powered through that phase and now at 10 weeks they climb all over me! None of them really *love* being picked up but eventually they come to you! Offer starter from your hand both in and out of the brooder, that helps them get used to seeing your hand nearby.

My older girls, 3 nine months old layers, follow me everywhere and even nap on me in the yard :love That was the result of treat training once they were older! Never underestimate a good bribe!
Awesome okay thank you for the advise! I want them to be attached to me like my dog lol I love them already and I’m happy to be a part of this community!
Our birds are our pets... My children all claim some. They even hold and pet the roosters some and have learned to be the alpha roo and put any roos in place that try to get the best of them. Best wishes!!! We are attached to ours.
I did the same with mine (re treats and handling, or at least I tried!) when they were little (about 12 weeks old now, practically grown), and after a few days there were three camps: a group of three or four that were very sweet and friendly, some of them even eating out of my hand and wanting to be picked up or to sit on my shoulder; a second group that pretty much fled in panic, with zero interest even in mealworms; and the majority, that came fairly close to snatch treats and run, but didn't want to be handled.

The "friendly" ones now all seem to be cockerels, one is definitely all roo, tail plumage and crow and all! The panicky ones are the brown leghorns and they are calming down a LITTLE. The remainder are still about the same. They are all EEs except for the BLs. Sometimes the BLs cause the EE pullets to panic until they realize it's only me, lol.

I think they are all a little goofy, but the feeling is probably mutual, so it's all good.

ETA: There are 4 or 5 BLs. They won't hold still long enough to count, lol.
Start offering them feed from your hand, might take a bit of patience sitting there holding your hand out still. But it only takes one chick to start eating and then they all want some. And they’ll gradually associate you with snacks and come running. They’re very food motivated, at least mine are!

I had two older chicks who started out snuggly and turned skittish around 6-8weeks. I have some younger chicks and once the adolescents saw the little chicks eating from my hand they were convinced it was safe and started also. Peer pressure!
I held my little chicks, one at a time, under a heating pad while I would watch tv. Some of them would cuddle up and fall asleep on me, others would only tolerate it for a little bit.

I have 4 chicks I got when they were a little older, like 3-4 weeks. I took them out one at a time and gave them lots of mealworms, and they follow me around like dogs now! I’ll go sit outside by them and and they hop right into my lap.

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