How can I make an easter egger?

they are ameraucana crosses, usually crossed with a production breed. In the UK you would need what you call Araucana and cross with a breed of your choice. EE's are usually muffed/bearded and lay a tinted egg, green legs(result of slate legs and yellow legged breed).... there really is no "standard". good luck
Breed one of your famous Cream Legbars with just about any other breed.

Viola... EE!

BTW: Happy Wedding Day
I think the best way is for you to get on a plane and fly to Connecticut, rent a car and drive to my house and I will give you one of my beautiful, excellent olive egger cockerels absolutely for free (only because you're a BYC member). Let me know when you get here.
Because the term "Easter Egger" refers to any cross of a blue egg layer (generally Ameraucana, or Araucana) with any other type of hen, there really isn't a specific EE look. Because of the usual crosses, you often see EE's with muff/beards and often pea combs and willow colored legs but this is far from always the case. My olive eggers are from a breeding of a Marans roo over lavender ameraucana hens and I have pea combs, straight combs, feather and featherless shanks, etc. I think the wondrous variety is the most appealing aspect of EE's - like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

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