How can I prevent constipation in my hens?


11 Years
Oct 18, 2008
grand prairie, tx
I have had two hens die within two years of a swollen abdomen and apparent pasty butt, and now have found out that it was constipation. Is there a way to help hens not get this!
I've just buried my first chickey--henrietta--and want to figure out how i can prevent this from taking my sweeties from me.
oftimes chicks eat the bedding and get an intestinal impaction from this which can kill them... take steps to prevent that and you are halfway home.
I had this happen as well recently. I saved a baby chick from pasty butt but didn't spot it on the 10 week old in time. I think the best way to take care of the digestive track is to make sure they get grit, are not loaded with parasites (a good amount of cayenne once in a while), and getting some good bacteria/flora in the system (yogurt, natural vinegar, probiotic supplements).

Stronger worm meds may be required in bad cases of worms.
thanks. I tried one method, olive oil and applesauce but I fear too late.
What's about the cayenne? add to layer mash??? couple teaspoons? tablespoons??? Once a month?
I do have yogurt I was going to give and now will be giving to the whole flock. Should I let them eat what they want from a dish or mix with their layer mash in the evening???

Their nesting materials is shredded paper--newspaper and copy paper shredded, no colors, tho. They sleep in former rabbit cages outfitted with a roost, water and food container. I put grit in with their morning seed feed that they get in their protected pen. In the afternoon they forage in our backyard till time to go to the 'coop'.
Use enough cayenne to actually change the color of the food. To you and me and the worms, it would be hotter than hell, but chickens can handle that. The worms will be rushing for the nearest exit. It doesn't kill the worms but drives them out. Use it again after 10-12 days and then you should be ok for a month or 2.

Maybe a teaspoon of yogurt per bird is all. You can mix it with the feed too.

You might want to start using the pelletized animal bedding. It is just pine sawdust and it's easy to handle.
Are we talking about hens, as in over a year old? Or are these chicks?

If hens, those symptoms may not be constipation, but may signify internal laying or eggbound oviducts.

I've never heard of constipation in grown hens, since they regulate their hydration very well if clean water is always available.

Can you share more about the age, perhaps laying history? dhlunicorn is fabulous with that sort of thing.

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