How can I tell the gender of my baby chicks?

If you think chicks aer hard to sex , you ought to try rabbits!
Holy Cow you got that right!!!! Got 8- two and a half month olds that we still cant tell yet!!! Hubby says don't matter whether they be boys or girls they all eat the same
You can dna sex test your birds. Only ten dollars for 1 to 9 birds. Very cheap and accurate. the lab is called Accumetrics. Just google Accumetrics dna sex testing for birds and you will find the accumetrics lab. they send out a free sample collection kit. I use feathers. You can sex up to 9 birds for only ten dollars. Then you will know the sex for certain. Im currently using this lab myself with four silkie chicks.Its a cheap and extremely accurate way to sex. Hope this helps and best wishes

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