How close is close enough?


10 Years
May 18, 2009
I'll be setting 18 assorted eggs from my girls on Saturday. I purchased a LG a couple of weeks ago and have had it running since Sunday to get everything set up and working before adding my precious eggs.

I currently have four thermometers and three hygrometers in there. Of course, none have the exact same reading, but they are all within 1.5 degrees of each other. I plan to calibrate the hygrometers before adding the eggs.

My question is that my incubator is stablized between 99.7 and 99.9 degrees with an added computer fan. The temp is varying less than a degree from those numbers. Do I need to continue trying to tweak it until I have it at 99.5 or should I stop worrying?

I have noticed that the temperature in the bator drops when the room cools off. But controlling the room temperature seems to be a much easier battle.

I appreciate the help from all of the hatching gurus here. I wouldn't be this far along without reading each of these helpful and fun posts.

99.7 to 99.9 is great.
Remember that air temp swings don't reflect interior egg temps, which vary even less. The margin you have should work well. All bators take in cooler air from the room outside or the chicks would suffocate so swing is normal, that range of "air temp" is fine.

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