How close should I put food and water


9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
My hen is broody. She is sitting in a tire for a nest. She has her head buried. I have not seen her move for weeks.
She is in a 8 x 16 ft coop with another hen. The food and water are at the other end. Should I move some near her??
You can, though she's likely `sneaking' off nest to get what she needs (hard to catch them at it, sometimes). If she's expressing herself vigorously when you get too close to nest (bright eyed & hissing) she's probably just fine. Another thing to look for are large semi-liquid poops (`broody poop') somewhere in coop. We've had `tag-teamed' nests in corner of shed for several years (different hens but same m.o.). One off to drink/dirt bathe at a time. They will also carry bad eggs away from nest (to some distance - as far from nest as I've seen them hazard - about 60 yards - think it is to keep predators looking elsewhere - sometimes the hens will eat `bad eggs' and squirt a yolk tinted modern art masterpiece out onto the sand of the run the following day): ed:clarity
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My friend tapped her on the back and she picked up her head. So she is OK. But I am worried about if she is getting off enough.
You could, if so inclined, place a container of water and a bowl of feed on some pavers, next to the tire. Try tapping her yourself or, if you are brave and wearing a long sleeved shirt, try reaching under her and see if she puts up a good fuss (not just bleary-eyed half-extended neck and no hissing - that would concern me).

Have never used tires (looks to be a `safe' nest) so don't know what sort of `broody reverie' might be induced by being able to hide one's head thus. :)
I set up tires for nests for my turkey hens since the one hen I got from a neighbor used to lay in a tire at his place...result...Tommy thinks it's an excellent bed...Jasmine isn't laying at all... and the one I got from the neighbor Jenny....she decided to lay under a rose bush... lol
My friend tapped her. It took a while for her to wake up. She then hissed. My friend put the food and water in front of her on some stacked pavers. She said she acted spacey.
My friend tapped her. It took a while for her to wake up. She then hissed. My friend put the food and water in front of her on some stacked pavers. She said she acted spacey.

Good placement for the food and water. Maybe she was asleep as far as her acting spacey. How long has she been on her nest?

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