How cold can eggs get?

Harley's girl

11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Ohio (way out in the country)
Hello, I am in very warm Ohio LOL
OK so I live in not so warm Ohio. I have been collecting eggs all day to put in the incubator and I was wondering how cold can the egg get and not kill the embryo? I just got some that were not so warm and I am not sure if they are still living.
Anyways I have heard 40 degrees, is that right? Thanks
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Harley's girl :

Hello, I am in very warm Ohio LOL
OK so I live in not so warm Ohio. I have been collecting eggs all day to put in the incubator and I was wondering how cold can the egg get and not kill the embryo? I just got some that were not so warm and I am not sure if they are still living.
Anyways I have heard 40 degrees, is that right? Thanks

They are best at about 50F. Too warm they slowly beging to develop and can subsequently die, too cold they might never hatch.

40 is too cold, but it's not extreme. 40 for a few hours is unlikely to harm them, freezing will.

I would prefer a drop to 40 for a short period, than a rise to 70 ... for example
Nice roo, like my hen????

And, as long as they don't freeze. I have never had a problem with my ameraucanas.

He looks familiar, did I know him as an egg or do I just have some of his relatives??????
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Nice roo, like my hen????

And, as long as they don't freeze. I have never had a problem with my ameraucanas.

He looks familiar, did I know him as an egg or do I just have some of his relatives??????

Last edited by pips&peeps (Today 7:53 pm)

You might have seen him on e-Bay! I sell his beautiful offspring! Your hen is very cute, I am sure Harley would approve

I think we had temps around 50 today. So I guess the eggs will be fine! Thanks

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