In the Brooder
- Apr 20, 2019
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I’ve had four roosters and three of them have been aggressive - and I mean jumping up and attacking me with their beaks and spurs. We have about 12-15 hens, usually, and keep one rooster to protect and take care of them. Our first rooster (a cream legbar) we raised from a chick, he became aggressive at nine months old and we had to get rid of him. The second rooster (a cream legbar) we hatched out was great, but he died unexpectedly. The third rooster (half cream legbar half bantam cochin) that we hatched out became aggressive around seven months and we got rid of him. I next got a two year old silkie thinking such a docile breed would not be a problem. He was fine for the first two months we had him, but has now started attacking us. Have I just had a run of bad luck, or is this typical of roosters? I handle our hens quite a lot and they are very docile and come running to me for treats when I call them.