How common are worms in chickens?

Feb 25, 2021
I’m not sure if this is the right forum to ask this in but I’m just wondering, how common are worms? I’m talking about parasites that could live inside of a hen. Are there certain worms that are more likely to affect hens like roundworm or tapeworm? What about gapeworm?
It depends on your environment. If your soil is warm and moist, your birds will get worms. Cool or cold soil, dry desert like soil there's a less chance. That said, nematodes are everywhere in the soil. Fresh fecal samples taken to a vet is best to determine if your birds have worms. It's a given if you live in a sub tropical environment.
Large roundworms are common in chickens.
Every chicken has some type of parasite inside them. It’s when they have an overload that it becomes a problem. This is fairly uncommon but can happen
That's misinformation. How many worms is an overload? What are the worms doing inside your chickens? Do you know how many eggs ONE female roundworm produces in one day and deposited on your soil to be picked up by your birds?
That's misinformation. How many worms is an overload? What are the worms doing inside your chickens? Do you know how many eggs ONE female roundworm produces in one day and deposited on your soil to be picked up by your
Every chicken has some type of parasite inside them. It’s when they have an overload that it becomes a problem. This is fairly uncommon but can happen
That's misinformation. How many worms is an overload? What are the worms doing inside your chickens? Do you know how many eggs ONE female roundworm produces in one day and deposited on your soil to be picked up by your birds?
Sorry I am not an expert. That is what I have been told. If you see worms, act immediately
If you see worms you have a serious problem.

Start calling your local dog vets.
Ask them if they will run a fecal float test if you bring some fresh poop in in a dish.

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