How deep to start deep litter method

I keep mine at least 6 - 8 inches deep initially. Over the next couple weeks they pack it down and it settles. I mix it up and turn it over once a week and add more until I have a good 12 inches or more to carry me through the winter.
I start with 6-8" too and add an inch every other month or so. I don't think you can have too much. I mean, as long as you don't cover the roosts or bury the feeder
I buy food grade DE. I just sprinkle it on and throw a little scratch down and the chickens mix it up for me.
I sprinkle usually once a week. once a month I add pine shavings and DE
We do the same thing. We get our pine shavings from Tractor Supply Company, or Wal~Mart pet department. It comes in a compressed bale for around $6.00.

I do sprinkle in the DE as it works as an absorbant.
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I've been reading this thread with great interest.
With the 8-12 inches deep litter, how does the pop door work? I built my pop door 12" high. It seems that it will be filled up to the top, preventing my chicks from going outside.
Also do you do something different with the steps leading to the people door when you have 12"' of deep litter? I did have the foresight to have it open out.
And do you adjust the nest box height higher with this method?
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8 - 12 FT. ? I don't think so

I thought I hit the inch key and I just edited it to reflect that. I mean inches if anyone wonders LOL.
I am hoping you mean 12" not 12 feet of litter, LOL

For both the people door and the pophole door, it is best if you design 'em with deep litter in mind, so that the sill is higher up on the wall than it otherwise would be. For the people door this can include a removable sill so that for major cleanouts you can remove the sill (maybe 10-12" high) and wheel a wheelbarrow directly in. But if not, you can use boards to create a ramp up and over.

If you've already cut your pophole door flush with the coop floor, your only real recourse (aside from remodelling it) would be to box out an 18" area around it with a sill to hold back the main bulk of litter, effectively creating a step down to the level of the pophole. Litter will fall down there anyhow and have to get scraped back out on a regular basis, but at least the hens will fit thru the hole and you won't lose *vast* amounts of bedding into the run where they will become muck.

Good luck,


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