How did a fish get in a swimming pool?


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
Philippines Makati
Before when my pool was drained and had about 1gallon of water in it (its about 1 inch high because our pool is big) and it was dirty/soily but when i look closer there was some little fish
I dont know how it got there we had a pond but the fish in there wss different after a while the pond got the fish in the pool too how did this happen there are no frogs nor waterfowls. I even saw the egg it looked like a tomatoe seed with a head and a tail
The fish was very small and i would like toknow how it got in the pool and the pond
Is it possbile that soil can create fish? Or life?
Once I had a goldfish show up in my pond. I had not put it there. I accused the neighbors of playing a joke on me.
They denied it. I never did 100% figure out where it came from. I believe it may have hitched a ride in on some plants I had bought for the pond.

I vote tadpole as well. Has it been there long enough to morph yet? (we had some laid in a kiddie pool years ago, my parents didn't drain it for a few weeks, and it was swarming with them).

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