How did she come out like this? A chicken genetic expert needed.


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards

This is Sugar, a year old bantam BO. Shugie (one of my affectionate names for her) has never layed an egg or has gone broody. The original owner got her as an egg, with other BO hatching eggs that were LF. (One question is how does a hatchery get bantie and LF eggs mixed up?) How did she come out this way?
Are there any other chickens like her?

I sound like one of those moms on TLC with children who have primordial dwarfism.. Seeing that there's others like Sugar would make me feel, happy? I suppose. It wouldn't make me feel like the only chicken mama with a "deformed" chicken. If deformed is the case.
I don't want to hurt your feelings, but Sugar looks.... for lack of a better word - strange. She is buff, but doesn't really look like a Buff Orpington. Her beak looks really elongated, and her comb is odd, too. Whats up with her feathers, are they are frayed as they look in the picture? She could be a deformed buff orpington with some sort of genetic disorder - or she could be a strange mix of BO and something else. I don't know. Can't wait to hear what others think.
Don't worry! She does look strange! There is pink in her feathers... Yes I put some kool-aid on her for easter..... She smelled so good.
My dad makes little jokes about her being retarded and ugly. She isn't the best to look at but she's sweet.
I want to unravel her mysteries. Her bum feathers had to be cut off because when we first got her she had TONS of dingleberries. First day she got a bath, ah memories.

No she doesn't make normal chicken noises. I can't really describe on here, they're just less chicken-like.
Shugie also has balance issues and isn't flexible enough to preen properly. I help her by getting all the itchy spots. She's very good inside except she poops, so I often have her on a puppy pee pad when she is inside.

I would only be offended if some jerk replied to this like so - "What is that god awful thing? I wouldn't take that creature home if it was the last chicken on earth. Some things shouldn't be born into this world and that is a perfect example!"
She does her egg song though (and doesn't lay). It's a softer tone of voice, and she makes noise usually when eating because she doesn't like to share her food. She makes these "aup aup" noises when that cochin bugs her, and makes this baby elephant noise when that cochin tries to go on top of her (not mating, common chick to mother chicken antics). Or if ya poke her on her back or around her oil gland.

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