How did we end up with all white peafowl?

. Black Shoulder and White peachicks hatch out the same color. Only after a few weeks you will notice a difference between Black Shoulder chicks and White peachicks.
Actually, you should be able to tell within days. Blackshoulder chicks will have a creamy colour on the flights, as opposed to white. You can actually see the creamy colour on the wing of new 2 pfowl's photo.
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Thanks Birdrain92!  Hopefully we'll start figuring out which are male/female.  Two seem a bit bigger than the other, so perhaps two boys and one girl.  Still seems so odd that all 5 chicks were whites out of this combo of the male IB and the female Spalding! Who knows what we will get next time!

When they're close to a year old post an up close picture of their neck feathers. Neck feathers are different between sexes.

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