How did your username originate?

I originally signed up as compuchicken, but switched to avoid confusion on my gender. I haven't been on here much lately but really miss it, will have to try and join in more often... thanks for the newsletter reminder, BYC!
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We have 5 chickens and 5 sisters. On any given day their names can change according to who is acting loud or bossy or shy.
rvrvue stands for River View. It is my farm that's been in the family since 1890. My email is rvrvue1890.
I hate having to memorize a different user name for every website i go to. I had a dog named Petey, and he loved those little sheepymans, which my kids called "foozemans". So he became peteyfoozer. So far, its never been taken!
I got a German Shepard pup and we named her Angel and my husband used to ask her"Where's your momma?" . She would always come find me. I had her fifteen years and sadly had to put to sleep due to her health, so in rememberence of a GREAT friend and companion I have the user name of Angelsmomma.
I've had my handle since I was a boy. Maybe 10-13 years old. I first started using it in the early CB days. I took the handle from the last article in the old Sports Afield magazine. it's stuck ever since.

God Bless,
An elaborate in joke with my sister involving this obscene song we used to sing -
"I got the magic pigeon..."


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