How did your username originate?

My wife and I went to Holland for our honeymoon, and it was the first time I had ever been to Europe. I loved the country. I wanted to know what they were saying when they spoke to each other (most speak English very well). So when we returned, I studied Dutch. I've been back since then, several times, and yes, now, I can understand what they say. I don't speak it so well (okay for a tourist), but I read a lot of mystery novels in Dutch.

In addition to helping my wife with the chickens, I'm a beekeeper.

"Imker" in Dutch means Beekeeper.
I love the movie Annie of Green Gables so I chose this as my user name and my hens are named after the characters. Anne Shirley, Diana, Marilla, Emelyne, Rachael, Aunt Jo, Alice, Minimae, and Muriel Stacy.
I was a gear-head before I owned chickens, and one of my favorite cars is the Chevy Vega. (Yes, I caught a lot of grief, and still do.) The Cosworth Vega was the "Holy Grail" for me, so I was very happy to actually find one that I could afford. Well, 'Cosworth' was already taken on all of the forums I was joining,so I changed the spelling to 'Cozwurth'. I don't want to try to remember a different username on every forum, so I use cozwurth. My 'rememberer' is turning into a 'forgeter'...
Whoa, that's weird, there is a sub at the school I used to go to, and her last name starts with a b but's it's really hard to remember and spell right, I don't even remember what it was, and everyone called her Mrs. B!
I love Dragons of Pern !!! wish I could find again kids got a hold of my books and they're all gone now lol ! no one ever knows what I'm talking about when I talk about Anne McCaffey
well :lol:im a young chicken mother, but i couldnt get chickenmama or anything and so i changed young to little, chicken... well chicken
and mama to girl, then added the year it was
it popped out littlechickengirl2011
I once read an ad in a magazine that said "A dancing hen is a happy hen"....or something like that. It stuck in my head.... Now my goal is to raise happy, healthy, dancing hens.
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