How do I encourage broodiness


6 Years
Dec 18, 2016
I've had chickens for 6 years. In all that time only 3 have gone broody, 2 of those hatched chicks. It's been 4 years, and no other of the hens seem to ever go broody. I'll get the occasional one that acts like it for a day, but then stops. Any tips?
Sometimes allowing them to build a clutch of eggs can inspire broodiness. Generally hens that have gone broody once will continue to do so.
If you have fake eggs, put a bunch in the nest you want them to sit in…hopefully one of them will get the urge after seeing a bunch of eggs just waiting to be hatched!
I dont think I have fake eggs but I could try golf balls! I also heard that if a chicken has gone broody before they will most likely do it again and mine went broody last year in like August.
I was wondering the same thing I really want one of my Serama hens to go broody in like May and was wondering what I could do to encourage it. I recently gave them a nice new nest box that is clean and private so that should help.
If you have fake eggs, put a bunch in the nest you want them to sit in…hopefully one of them will get the urge after seeing a bunch of eggs just waiting to be hatched!

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