How do I figure out which chicken is now egg hungry?


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2020
Yesterday, I went out to check for eggs, since it had been a few hours since I collected. I found that there had been at least 2-3 eggs possibly eaten. There was still some egg goo in the shavings. So I hurried and gathered the eggs that were in there, and then cleaned out the nesting box where the mess was, and placed new shavings. Today, there was another mess. I tried to collect eggs after I noticed the ladies going in and out. I had to kick one of the girls out just so I could get the egg. There are a total of 7. 6 are ISA Brown, and one is a Barred Rock. Is there an easier way to find out who's eating the eggs? The only reason I didn't find out today, was because Mom duty called, and I picked up a few more chicks today. My Barred Rock has had diarrhea, could that be a sign, and need to send her to be cleaned?
I'm unsure if there would be any real giveaways other than catching them in the act, you could place a sacrificial egg in front of your flock and wait to see who cracks and eats it? That could give you an easy and definite answer

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