How do I get my ducks to be social with me?

Tiger Shark

In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2019
I’m a new duck owner. I have 4 Pekins that are about a week and a half old. They’re all doing great, but no matter how much I try to get them used to me... they always seem to be petrified when handled. It’s cool now because I can still catch them if they run... but when they’re older I’m not sure I’ll be able to pick them up or even walk around with them around the yard. Advice?
I know how it is. I am finding my new 3 -4 week old ducklings run like I am about to kill them. They don’t seem to know what duck crack is. So peas and mealworms they kinda are turning their bills up too. But I am doing a lot of talking to, bath time was a disaster today, as they wanted nothing to do with anything the human was around. But I am still learning them all, I have only had them a few days.

Put a little bit of mealworms on top of their food for a few days. Then, when you know they’re hungry, put some in their pen and have a little trail to your hand. Have your hand resting on the ground, open with more mealworms inside and just sit like that. Be patient and don’t try to move or touch them, just let them discover the goodies.
As much interaction and treats possible :). Hold and snuggle them when you're watching tv. Mine loved going under blankets and in our hoods when they were that little. Treats and food. And play with them in the bathtub. Constantly talk to them. Hold conversations with them.
Patience and lots of quality time (and treats). Sit with them a lot, talk to them, sing to them. Move slowly and speak calmly. Like the others said above, meal worms are ducky crack. I started by crushing them a bit in my hand and just resting my open hand on the ground and leaving it there until they got curious enough to investigate. Mine are a little over 2 weeks now and come running every time I approach because they know that I bring the yum. Sometimes I'll sit and put their food between my legs so they have to crawl over me or come near me to eat. When they're swimming in the sink/tub, I leave my hands in the water, not trying to touch them, so that while they're swimming around and playing, they're just used to my presence. Now they'll climb up into my hands in while in the water. I have 3 and 2 are very willing to be approached/held/snuggled, etc and one just would rather I didn't. She'll still eat from my hand and follows the others to see what's going on but she would rather not be touched. They all have different personalities and will take to you differently, but the key is quality time. Lots of time. Good luck!
I know how it is. I am finding my new 3 -4 week old ducklings run like I am about to kill them. They don’t seem to know what duck crack is. So peas and mealworms they kinda are turning their bills up too. But I am doing a lot of talking to, bath time was a disaster today, as they wanted nothing to do with anything the human was around. But I am still learning them all, I have only had them a few days.
I know how it is. I am finding my new 3 -4 week old ducklings run like I am about to kill them. They don’t seem to know what duck crack is. So peas and mealworms they kinda are turning their bills up too. But I am doing a lot of talking to, bath time was a disaster today, as they wanted nothing to do with anything the human was around. But I am still learning them all, I have only had them a few days.
It will get better I promise. This all happened with me too, and now my duckies are 6 1/2 weeks old and doing MUCH better. Just continue to sing, and hold them and talk to them. Come up with a routine so that everything feels normal for them. Its all worth it :) <3
Hook them on Duck-Crack aka meal-worms! ;)
I haven't found a single duck that would not eat meal-worms out of your hands after a short time. It works even for semi-wild pond-ducks.
When they eat the crack from your hand, you can start to gently touch them on their chests and bills and they will get used to it.

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