How do I get new chickens to come out of the coop?


May 16, 2022
Northeast Oklahoma
So I got 16 new born chicks on April 4,2022. I raised my chicks in the house until they got too big to keep inside. At about 9-10 weeks old I moved them into what would be their forever coop. It is about 100 square feet so they have had plenty of room. Unfortunately the amount of work and money it would take, I am not really able to put a cover over the my chicken run. So I thought it would be best to keep inside the coop for a while until they got a little bigger. Now here we are at about week 15 and they are plenty big to outside. There is a huge shade tree so they can get out of the sun when they want. They also have all the necessities like food and water outside. So after all of my rambling here is my question, how do I get my chickens to actually go out of the chicken door and go outside? I’ve placed meal worms and fruit from the doorway down the walking ramp and on the ground but my chickens refuse to go out. Will they eventually figure it out or am I going to have to put each one out?
So I got 16 new born chicks on April 4,2022. I raised my chicks in the house until they got too big to keep inside. At about 9-10 weeks old I moved them into what would be their forever coop. It is about 100 square feet so they have had plenty of room. Unfortunately the amount of work and money it would take, I am not really able to put a cover over the my chicken run. So I thought it would be best to keep inside the coop for a while until they got a little bigger. Now here we are at about week 15 and they are plenty big to outside. There is a huge shade tree so they can get out of the sun when they want. They also have all the necessities like food and water outside. So after all of my rambling here is my question, how do I get my chickens to actually go out of the chicken door and go outside? I’ve placed meal worms and fruit from the doorway down the walking ramp and on the ground but my chickens refuse to go out. Will they eventually figure it out or am I going to have to put each one out?
How long has it been since you have started trying to coax them out?
I would just move them outside. Move a few and let them experience the wonderful outside! The others will be soon to follow. Also, hawks and other ariel predators will attack full grown chickens and you chickens will fly out.
Change is scary for chickens and your chickens have been inside their whole lives 🙂 . If they don't come out after a day or so, I would move them out. Keep in mind, that they will also have to learn to go back in too. You may need to spend a few days putting them through their door at sunset yourself before they understand to go in at night. Eventually they will get it!
I would just move them outside. Move a few and let them experience the wonderful outside! The others will be soon to follow. Also, hawks and other ariel predators will attack full grown chickens and you chickens will fly out.
I actually did move a couple of them outside but they immediately ran back and inside the coop.
Change is scary for chickens and your chickens have been inside their whole lives 🙂 . If they don't come out after a day or so, I would move them out. Keep in mind, that they will also have to learn to go back in too. You may need to spend a few days putting them through their door at sunset yourself before they understand to go in at night. Eventually they will get it!
I really kind of figured that it was probably just because it is new. Hopefully they will get it on their own. I can see them looking out the door so maybe it won’t be much longer. I just worry about them in this heat.
how do I get my chickens to actually go out of the chicken door and go outside? Will they eventually figure it out or am I going to have to put each one out?
I open the door and walk away. Sometimes they are all on the ground in the run within 15 minutes. Sometimes it's the third day before they come out. Sometimes some come out and some lag behind but usually after one comes out the rest soon follow. Each brood is different.

Chickens don't like change but they can be adaptable. Sometimes it takes longer for them to adapt than other times, each has its own personality. The world is a big place filled with things that like to eat chickens as far as they are concerned. I personally don't see the need to terrorize them by forcing them out when they aren't ready. But if you do, they will get over it pretty fast and still love you as much as they did. They will adapt.

I understand your heat concern, but if you have decent ventilation they should be OK in there. Eventually they will be going in the coop to lay eggs during the heat of the day. If it is dangerously hot for them now it will be then too.

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