How do I get partridge Silkie chicks???

Are the whites dominant or recessive? If they're recessive, then none of those will make partridges. If they're dominant, breed then to a black. I got a silver partridge that way because I had a dominant white that happened to have the right genes
umm dominant to black breeds paint. Recessive white can have partridge hiding which results in partridge chicks. I believe that you have a recessive white if you got the silver partridge because that's what I get from mine.

Good luck!
umm dominant to black breeds paint. Recessive white can have partridge hiding which results in partridge chicks. I believe that you have a recessive white if you got the silver partridge because that's what I get from mine.
Oh, my bad. I thought if it was recessive, it only had those recessive genes, period, where dominant can hide genes

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