How do I get splash Silkies?


8 Years
Mar 24, 2012
I have been wanting to breed splash silkies for a while now and I have heard in past treads that you can't get splashes by breeding a white with a black silkie, the only birds I can breed right now are one black pullet, one blue pullet, a white cockerel, and a buff pullet. Can I get a splash by breeding any of those?
splash to splash give you splash and i think its also blue to blue which if i remember right 50% blue 25% black and 25% splash

ok fixed it i knew i was off there
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Splash x Splash = 100% Splash

Blue x Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, and 25% Splash

Splash x Black = 100% Blue

Blue x Splash = 50% Blue, and 50% Splash

Blue x Black = 50% Blue and 50% Black

Black x Black = 100% Black
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Technically, splash is two copies of the blue gene (Bl/Bl) so you need some combination of blue to get splash. Debbi listed the stats quite correctly above ....
What Debbi posted is correct. You can not get any splash chicks from the chickens you currently have, in order to get splash chicks you will need to get a different rooster. If you got a blue rooster, you could breed him to your blue pullet and 25% of the chicks could be splashes Keep in mind however that the 25% black 50% blue 25% splash ratios only hold true if you hatch many chicks, if you only hatch say 7-10 eggs (probably the most you would be able to get before the eggs started getting old enough to negatively affect your hatch rates as older eggs are often more difficult to incubate successfully) then you still have a chance of getting splash chicks but there's a good chance it may not be 25% of the chicks that hatch.
Howden's right, you need a blue cock. You can still get there with a black, but it will take at least two generations. If you breed a black cock to your blue pullet then you will get 50% black chicks and 50% blue chicks. Once those chicks mature, you can then take a blue cockerel to the blue hen and get some splash chicks. If you have to get another cock anyway, you'd be better off getting a blue cock so that you get to your goal one generation sooner.
Ooooh Thank you. Iv'e never bred silkies before, so I'm kinda a newbie. :) I'll see if I can get a BLUE cock as soon as the chicks reach full maturity.
I have been wanting to breed splash silkies for a while now and I have heard in past treads that you can't get splashes by breeding a white with a black silkie, the only birds I can breed right now are one black pullet, one blue pullet, a white cockerel, and a buff pullet. Can I get a splash by breeding any of those?
Splash is the product of breeding with Blue color of Silkies A blue silkie bred to a black silkie can produce half Blue, half Black chicks, Blue bred to blue will give you 50% blue 25%black an. 25 % splash. Blue to splash 50% blue 50% splash , black bred to splash will give you blue chicks, and splash bred to splash will produce 100% splash. You never want to mix colors. Especially white. White can hide colors and you wind up with like blue birds with red-leakage . It’s very hard to breed out. And the chicks can hide colors as well so if you sell a blue chick and it later grows up abs produces orange colored chicks with black heads the buyer might be pretty upset. Lol as mixed colors do not fall into the accepted SOP

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