How do I go about getting rid of my rooster? :(

There is only one good solution to an aggressive rooster, and it is not to rehome him. He could do serious injury to somebody else's child. Do NOT release him somewhere, hoping nature will take care of the problem for you. That is both cowardly and cruel.

We are fortunate enough to live near some Mennonites; when I have birds that are ready to process, I take them there and they take care of it for a very reasonable fee. Is there a butcher or meat packing plant near you? If all else fails, see if your vet will put him down for you, but this will be the most expensive option.

@jus10inla 's suggestion, known as the broomstick method, is the fastest and easiest. Good luck!

Although this internal decapitation method sounds a handy trick I should learn lol
You bleed them out if you cut the head off, though :)
Walk outside. Load gun. aim at bird. Squeeze trigger. Done.


Walk outside. grab t post. Catch bird. Stretch neck out on ground, put one end of t post on neck where it meets head. Put foot on other end. Grab cockerel by legs , pick straight up. Keep pullin Don’t stop. Head will detach from neck completely.

Problem solved, and supper for that Nite.

I like the way you think . . ..


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