How do I go about starting to show chickens?


10 Years
Mar 1, 2009
outside Dallas
I am just getting going with my chickens (although, I have had my three girls for almost 3 years now). I have placed a mail order with MPC and another for some hatching eggs from a wonderful member of BYC (Buckeyes -YEAH!). I would love to help promote the Buckeyes any way I can. I was curious about possibly showing some of these guys, err - girls, whatever, but I have absolutly no clue how to get started. I have emailed APA for info, but have't heard back yet.
Do they need vaccines,testing, health certificates, etc?
Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Start by reading up on your breed of choice (in the APA standard of perfection as well as at websites devoted to that breed) and by attending shows. At the shows, talk to the owners of birds that are being shown and ask them to point out the important breed traits to you.
Often at shows there will be a sales barn. Look over the birds in there and ask the sellers to point out to you their birds best and worst traits.

What testing, health certificates, etc., that are required depends on your state's regulations and whether it is a state fair or an independently sponsored club show.

Every state has its own set of regulations for health requirements. In Arizona and a couple of other, the only requirement is that the birds not come from a quarantined area. A few years ago exhibitions were disallowed due to an epidemic of Exotic Newcastle Disease, primarily in California.

Some states require NPIP or vet-issued health certificates, others do on-site testing, ... It is entirely up to state law and any additional requirements the show sponsor might select.

Every show I've been to required that the birds be healthy and allowed a provision that birds with diseases or pests (lice/mites/worms) would be removed. I have seen some entry rules that stated that diseased birds would be destroyed, but have never been to a show where that was done--I expect it would be a persnickety state or a bird who appeared to have serious issues for that to occur.
Ok, 'nuther dumb question - where do I go to find out what requirements my state (Texas) has?
I have talked to my vet, he is willing to do health certificates, but he is also unsure of state requirements.
Thanks again!
and, eggchel - cool links! Thnanks!

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