how do I humanely kill a fox?

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Why do you need to kill the fox? A very effective way is to completely cover your chicken coop with wire, making sure that no fox could fit through. Also, clear away any food outside the coop which may attract foxes. Eventually the foxes with take a hint and find somewhere else to get food.
No, that's not how foxes work. They have a natural instinct to kill. Shooting it is the best option.
I have a live trap. So far I've only caught raccoons with it.

I built an air-right box that fits the trap precisely. When I get a raccoon, I put the live trap in the box, flood it with ether and pop the top on. Two minutes later the raccoon is dead.

This is the most humane way of killing it I've been able to think of. The ether knocks it unconscious before it dies from lack of oxygen. So it's pretty much pain free. The raccoon doesn't struggle (other than being annoyed by being in the trap).

If you can live trap your fox this might be the way to go.

That said, I mostly catch young raccoons with my trap. Full-grown adults are too smart to walk into it. . . but full-grown raccoons do not touch **anything** in my yard. If they come in, it's just to commute.
This is the most humane way of killing it I've been able to think of. The ether knocks it unconscious before it dies from lack of oxygen. So it's pretty much pain free. The raccoon doesn't struggle (other than being annoyed by being in the trap).
No, the fox will suffer. Shooting it square between the eyes is painless if you do it right.

I'm unsubscribing from this thread. Good luck! :frow
There are a variety of problems with the gun suggestion. The forum is "back yard chickens" not "farm chickens". Between violations of city, state and federal regulations on firearm use and the error-prone nature of firearms, I wouldn't recommend using a gun without an enormous amount of preconditions most city-dwellers are unable to satisfy.

Even if it isn't against the law to discharge a firearm in your backyard, in a city, you still have to find a way of getting a clear shot that isn't going to kill your neighbour.

The nice thing about gassing is its reliable, and legal in quite a number of places. If you're willing to use less reliable, and less legal methods, yes it opens up all kinds of options.

Getting weird SSL handshake violations from this webpage as I type. . . wonder if it's under attack.
There are a variety of problems with the gun suggestion. The forum is "back yard chickens" not "farm chickens". Between violations of city, state and federal regulations on firearm use and the error-prone nature of firearms, I wouldn't recommend using a gun without an enormous amount of preconditions most city-dwellers are unable to satisfy.

Even if it isn't against the law to discharge a firearm in your backyard, in a city, you still have to find a way of getting a clear shot that isn't going to kill your neighbour.

The nice thing about gassing is its reliable, and legal in quite a number of places. If you're willing to use less reliable, and less legal methods, yes it opens up all kinds of options.

Getting weird SSL handshake violations from this webpage as I type. . . wonder if it's under attack.
"error-prone nature of firearms"? "find a way of getting a clear shot that isn't going to kill your neighbor"

First, firearms are not error prone. People are. If you don't know how to use one then don't.
Second, stand over the top of the trap and fire away.
If you are in the city, then a pellet rifle is legal here in FL. Its the gunpowder that makes something a "firearm".
Less reliable? A bullet to the head is about as reliable as it gets. If you cant hit its head from 2 feet away, then I feel sad for you.
Use a bullet. First there is light, then there is nothing. A .22 bullet traveling at Mach 1 gives a very fast death.
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