How do I "just say no"? -UPDATE PG 2


10 Years
Mar 30, 2009
Lincolnton, NC
Hi, my name is Heather, and I'm a chicken addict!

Whew, it sure feels good to finally admit that.

We rent a house in the country from a family friend who has been kind enough to allow us to keep chickens (although we didn't ask first:oops:). We currently have 12 laying pullets that are just under a year old. Over the last week I've picked up 14 baby chicks from a variety of sources (local & TSC). When dh came home after my last pick-up from TSC he said, "Why didn't you just get 4 more so we would have an even 30?" I would LOVE to go pick up more, but 1)TSC had a minimum of 6, so that would be 32 and 2)my existing coop & run plans that I was hoping to build in the next couple of weeks won't hold that many. I'm fighting the urge so bad to go back for more, but I really want more! How much more would it really cost to make everything bigger? WWYD?
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Sorry I can't help. I'm a sister addict. I say go back and get 6 more while you have the chance. Besides chickens can't count, so they won't know how many of them there are, and the little ones move around so fast your DH won't even notice there's 32 instead of 30. If he does figure it out you can always use, "Oh honey I didn't even notice they gave me extra chicks at TSC."
I've only just bought my first 6 chicks from TSC...and am already browsing Ideal for some others... My "no" is broken too...

Its very hard to resist!
I used to be a bad addict. Some tips that I learned that helped me think before I bought more:

1. Always bring somebody with you that can hold your hand and not let you buy chicks. This can be a spouse, a parent, mother-in-law... but NOT a kid. A kid will turn rouge on you.

2. Ask yourself - "Do I really NEED to buy these chicks? Do they fit into my breeding program?"
I'm the exact same way.......drove an hour away yesterday to get some more silkie and coshin bantams didin't have any but instead of just leaving bought 12 fuzzy butts......last night w/ hubby and daughter in tow(thinking my hubby would talk me out of buying anymore) went to get bantams again..... no luck! left with 8 fuzzy butts and 2 ducks which brings my total to 31 fuzzies and 2 ducks with 24 more eggs going in incubator Sunday...........But I have plenty of room for all now!!! when we started we didn't and I had to remind myself it wasn't good for the chickens or me to buy more than I could handle even though they're sooooo cute and you just wanna take them all home!~GOOD LUCK!!!
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I think I figured out a solution! BUY BATNTAMS!!!!!
That way I can have more without using as much space!

I actually was thinking of getting bantams yesterday, but that TSC didn't have any. The other local TSC just got theirs today, though. Off to print another $5off $25 coupon and get the kids dressed!
I also rent, and have a wonderful landlady. When I brought home 4 more chicks AND 2 ducklings, I didn't tell her for nearly 2 weeks. Her response? "Oh, Linda, ducks are so messy. Why didn't you get geese??"

Uhhhhhh.... the feed store didn't have any??

I STILL don't have a Buckeye or a Speckled Sussex or any Cochins. MPC has them.... it would be SO easy to zip on over and click "checkout" (because MPC keeps my "shopping cart" for me!! Dang them!) but then I'd be over the legal limit for our area. Pssssst - the ducklings are already "outlaw" over the limit.
Hi, everyone. I'm also addicted. I caught myself yesterday actually explaining how badly I wanted more fluffy butts, namely some EE's and one silkie; then explaining what a silkie my doctor! I'm one step closer to the padded room.

but I won't get more until Next spring. Family has promised that the imaginary new coop will be real by then. So, I'm avoiding the stores, gonna send someone else to pick up feed.

I can totally relate! I've had my chicks for 2 weeks now, and have somehow resisted the urge to get more. I drive by the feed store almost everyday and have to force myself from pulling in. I don't think I can "just look." I'm going to have to get more shavings this weekend...we'll see how that goes!

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