How do I keep my bantams warm in winter in Brisbane, Australia - Help

Aussie new mum

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
Brisbane, Queensland
HI I apologise in advance if I have put this in the wrong section - I wasn't sure where it should go.
We are in Brisbane, Australia and have just entered Autumn. The nights are getting chillier and in WINTER our days are sometimes a minimum of 17 C (63F) and nights between 8 & 10 C (47 - 50 F). I have 2 bantams - the bottom of the coop is open but they have a ramp that leads to an upstairs fully enclosed sleeping/perching area (except for where the door for the ramp is). I have made removable panels to cover the side and back of the coop but want to know if they will be warm enough in the sleeping area on their perch or if I need to insulate their sleeping area? They both free range the entire day and can find a lot of spots of sun to keep warm in . Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you
I fully agree with sugarbush. You need ventilation in any climate to keep the humidity and ammonia down, but as long as they are not in a draft, they can easily handle temperatures to (-) 10 C. With your temperatures, I'm not even sure a slight draft would harm them.
i live in the uk and also have bantams and we have colder winters and my lot just do fine...maybe i'll put some extra bedding in the coop appart from that they survive ok

we looking forward to our summer which starts next month...hope its not a wet one like last year
I totally agree. Our winter (daytime) temps. sometimes get down into the teens. Our summer temps. soar past a 100. I have a draft free coop and do not heat it.

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