How do I post a coop design once I've designed the page?


12 Years
Aug 30, 2010
Wichita, KS
So how do I post this coop design to one of the coop design pages (small, medium?)?? I've already designed the page:

Oh, and and how / can you change the title of a page once it's been created? Seems like you're allowed to put in a name when you create a new page, but don't see a way to do it when editing later one -- ?? Any help/advice is appreciated!
Welcome to BYC!

And nice coop! Very nice page also.

I believe that if you pm one of the moderators, they can point you in the right direction. Or just report your own post, and they'll get back to you.
to change the name you have to copy and paste the page onto a new page. then delete the first page you made.

to put it on the coop design page i think you have to first post it on here
and then the monitors will post it on the design page. im not 100% sure about that part though
HOLY COW that thing is beautiful!!!

Had I not seen the great build pictures on your wonderful BYC Coop Page I would have 100% bet it was a pre-built coop or a kit that you just bolt together.

Great job!!!
Thanks guys! I didn't think that it was all THAT fancy... Did have fun building it, though. :)

Have to give credit on the design to the inspiration of looking over what everybody else has done -- this is a great website, and I really appreciate all the input and sharing by other builders!

I will try to post some more pictures once we start letting the hens run around the backyard. Hope to get a little fencing done over this weekend...
We have been searching for coop designs and came across your chicken coop. We loved the design so we have started to build ours similar to yours. Thank you for all of your pictures that you posted. They are very helpful! Thanks for the inspiration.
This coop was a great inspiration, we used several ideas and the step by step progress shots really helped us along (we didn't know what we were doing when we started!). So thank you!!
Thanks for the excellent step by step phots and description. we used it for a guideline to model our coop/run addition on the side of our shed. We have chicks about 5 weeks old now and haven't finished the coop yet...we will post sone pics when we are done.

Thanks again!

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