How do I shut my rooster up?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 22, 2007
What do I do with a rooster that cockadoodles all night and day without any rhyme or reason? Is it chicken soup time? Please help!!!!
No shutting up rooster! Looks like soup time to me
that's what they do. he might be hearing a noise and trying to warn the flock or he might just like crooning. that's a rooster for you.
I have two bantam sultan roo's and they sound OFF of eachother. One will cock-a-doodle-do and than the next one will, and so on and so on. All day, All night. It's just what they do. My guys are far enough away from the house that you have to be pretty much outside to hear them, unless you have the window's open.

I say, it's better than a barking dog!
Have you tried duct tape.

I have heard if you put your rooster in a cage where he can not stand fully erect they won't crow. Every rooster I have seen crow seems to almost stand on his toes and stretches his neck so this might work.
Ayup crowing nowhere near compares to barking dogs, even if they are my own. And I have one that howls of a night, we have started to bring him inside.

My bantams crows though can be barely heard even outside, but then they are only 10 weeks old.

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